
a cooling cabinet with no compressor,nomoving parts,and no ice.By simplyapplying heat to a boiler, a cooling agent circulated in the system,absorbing the heat and therebycreating a cooling effect.Their cabinet turned out to be theworld’s first refrigerator. The cabinet was patented and,in 1923,a Swed- ish company,appropriatelynamedArctic,acquired themanufacturing rights.Two years later,Arcticwas bought byElectrolux,a growing appliance company, whose vacuumcleaners,washingmachines,and dishwashers are still beingmade today,andwhich began sellingmillions of refrigerators tomid- dle-class homes,especiallyafterWorldWar II,replac- ing old-fashioned and out-dated ice boxes. In 1960,Electroluxspun off the leisure portion of its business that had beenmaking products for the recreational vehicle sector,and the companywas renamed the DometicCorporation.Over the last several decades,Dometichas expanded its portfolio of signature RV refrigeration and cooling products THE DOMETIC CORPORATION AT A GLANCE THE DOMETIC CORPORATION WHAT: A leading manufacturer of quality RV parts and accessories WHERE: Elkhart, Indiana WEBSITE: Etratech Inc. is committed to consistently meeting and exceeding our customer expectations for product quality and service in the innovative design and manufacture of electronic controls. With state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities in Canada, the US and China, and a commitment to total customer satisfaction, Etratech may be the ideal partner for your next project. Contact us today to explore how Etratech designs, engineers and manufactures for safety, reliability and innovation. Imagine what we can do for you. Etratech engineers the electronics that improve everyday life. PROUD PARTNER OF WWW.ETRATECH.COM Etratech isaprivatelyheldcorporationspecializing in thedesign, development andmanufactureof advancedelectronic controlsandcontrol systems for majormultinational companies.Our advancedelectronic controlsprovide the “brains” formanyof today’s leading “smart” products. Based inBurlington,OntarioCanada, andestablished in1989, Etratech employsmore than400peopleworldwide, ledbyour Burlington,Ontar- io-basedCustomer SupportManagementTeam.Our 46,000square-foot headquarters facilityhouses completeproduct development, electronic engineering, automatedproductionandvalue-addedservicesunder one roof – theservices thatmakeEtratechahighly competitivesupplier in the marketsweserve. Etratech’s comprehensiveQualityManagement Systemmeets the International StandardsOrganization (ISO) programISO/TS16949– the international qualitymanagement standardcreated for organizations that produceparts, sub-assemblies, processmaterials, andcertainother prod- uctsandservices for automotive industryOEMs.This systemdocuments every stepof our process, fromcustomer interactionand theRFQprocess, todesignandproduct development, reviewandapprovals, schedulingof manufacturing resources,materials sourcing, purchasingand receiving, manufacturing (includingdetailed inspectionsat every stageofmanufactur- ing), final testing, packaging tocustomer requirements andshipping.Other certifications include ISO13485, ISO14001and ISO9001. EtratechAsia-PacificLimited isour 48,000square-foot facility inShen- zhenPRC.This facility specializes in turnkeydesignandmanufactureof high-volumeelectronic controlsandcontrol systems formany international OEMs. Inbusiness for over 25years, thecompany’s specialty is in16-and 32-bitmicrocontroller-basedproducts. Asabusiness, therearemanybenefits inpartneringwithamanufactur- ingpartner that hasaQualityManagement System inplace! Depending onyour product, your industrymay require that your partners complywith certainstandards. But thebenefitsgobeyondmeeting those requirements and includebetter qualityproducts; fewer errors, resulting in fewer end-user complaintsandprotectionor elevationof your brand image; and long-term cost savings. Etratechhasbeenanengineering resourcepartnerwith Dometic for 28years, helping themtake tomarket innovativeand leading edge technologies. Etratech Inc.iscommittedtoconsistentlymeetorexceedourcustomer expectationsforproductqualityandserviceintheinnovativedesignandmanu- factureofelectroniccontrols.Wewillachievetotalcustomersatisfactionthrough measurablecontinualimprovementofourinternalprocessesandsystems. WWW.ETRATECH.COM