
THE DOMETIC CORPORATION CORPORATION DOMETIC THE MOBILE LIVING MADE EASY T herewas a time in the not-too- distant past,when truckdrivers had to stay in roadsidemotels and truck stops each night if theywanted to enjoya cool roomor a cold beer.And RVers tended not to venture into the desert for any length of time,because it was too dangerous to be caught out in the heat in a hot trailer or motorhome.All in all, life on the roadwas,all too often,simplya reminder of themissing comforts of home. But all of that has changed over the last several years,as the art and science of refrigeration has evolved to include such road-worthyappliances as fridges and air conditioners,and as companies such as the DometicCorporation began tomake mobile living easier andmore attainable– and awhole lot cooler. Dometichad its start in 1922,when the science of absorption cooling,whichwas invented in 1858,by the French scientist, Ferdinand Carré,tooka giant leap forward under the auspices of two Swedish engi- neering students at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm,Baltzar von Plat- en and Carl Munters,whowere convinced that the best way to create a cooling effect was to use heat.After much trial and error, the pair of inventorsmanaged to design