Epcon Industrial Systems - page 7

Business View Magazine
geted major polluters of the day. I happened to be on
the front end, working in one of those industries when
the regulations came in, so I have first-hand knowl-
edge. Today, we manufacture thermal oxidizers to con-
trol VOCs and noxious substances. Those carcinogens
cause a lot of diseases, acid rain, and the brown haze
you see over large cities. The EPA has identified 189
hazardous pollutants/chemicals, and our technology
destroys those in the air.”
Environmental compliance controls are mandated
by the EPA, as well as state agencies. The levels are
highly regulated: zero tolerance for polluters. Custom-
ers rely on Epcon for help in this extremely specialized
area, because they trust the company’s outstanding
The Epcon Edge
What makes Epcon stand out among its industry
peers? Jamaluddin offers his top five reasons:
• We are a full service organization. From conception
to completion. From pilot study to engineering, sales,
manufacturing, installation, and after-sale service.
• Our 250,000 square foot manufacturing facility
gives us control over quality and delivery. We do it all
here. Many of our competitors are mainly sales and
marketing and cannot offer the complete package.
• Longevity. More than three decades of hard work,
providing high quality systems. By standing 100 per-
cent behind our products, we have consistent, repeat
business at our door.
• Our unique patented technologies aren’t available
anywhere else. We do complete systems, including
some phenomenal jobs in the aluminum industry. We
also belong to industry-related associations to keep
up with customer concerns.
• Overall key to success is performance. Products that
are engineered to perform well and ensure customer
In the past year and a half, Epcon has added 180,000
square feet to its facility, and is poised to add another
100,000 in the coming year. The long-term plan cen-
ters on maintaining continuity in the business and
successfully expanding while handling growth-related
According to Jamaluddin: “Our goal is to strive for bet-
ter and better systems based on creating something
new, something different, for a higher level of perfor-
mance with minimum fuel consumption.” It looks like
all systems are “GO” for a great, green future.
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