Business View Magazine May 2023

217 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 5 COURI ER E XPRESS The company has roughly four decades of service but has had the same family of owners since the mid-1980s. Its e-commerce parcel division started in the early 2000s which is where the real growth began. The overall strength of the company though is its employees and the services they collectively provide. Throughout the entire company, Courter Express has assembled a large team of employees with numerous years of experience in the courier, freight, and warehousing industries. Their goal is to operate in a manner of efficiency— economic, social, and environmental. Another corporate strength is in the technological investments made by ownership, says Jimmy Baker, Vice President, Regional Sales and Marketing for Courier Express. Much of this technology has been created by Courier Express’ internal team of professionals and is customizable for companies of all sizes from Fortune 500s to smaller firms. Technology solutions include automated features that support Courier Express’ goals of becoming more efficient in its hiring and operational practices. A COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE TENANT ADVISORY  FIRM, OFFERING SKILLED LEASING AND  PURCHASING DECISION GUIDANCE EXCLUSIVELY  TO INDUSTRIAL AND TO OFFICE SPACE TENANTS.  WE HELP INDUSTRIAL AND OFFICE SPACE  TENANTS SUCCESSFULLY WITH, FACILITY “GAINS”.  G OALS  to A SSESS  I DENTIFY N EGOTIATE and S ECURE  THE RIGHT FACILITY FOR YOUR BUSINESS!  SCHEDULE A FACILITY NEEDS  ASSESMENT TODAY:  web:  email:  phone: 404‐963‐1818  A COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE TENANT ADVISORY  FIRM, OFFERING SKILLED LEASING AND  PURCHASING DECISION GUIDANCE EXCLUSIVELY  TO INDUSTRIAL AND TO OFFICE SPACE TENANTS.  WE HELP INDUSTRIAL AND OFFICE SPACE  TENANTS SUCCESSFULLY WITH, FACILITY “GAINS”.  G OALS  to A SSESS  I DENTIFY N EGOTIATE and S ECURE  THE RIGHT FACILITY FOR YOUR BUSINESS!  SCHEDULE A FACILITY NEEDS  ASSESMENT TODAY:  web:  email:  phone: 404‐963‐1818  A COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE TENANT ADVISORY  FIRM, OFFERING SKILLED LEASING AND  P RCH SING DECISION GUIDANCE EXCLUSIVELY  TO INDUSTRIAL AND TO OFFICE SPACE TENANTS.  WE HELP INDUSTRIAL AND OFFICE SPACE  TENANTS SUCCESSFULLY WITH, FACILITY “GAINS”.  G OALS  to A SSESS  I DENTIFY N EGOTIATE and S ECURE  THE RIGHT FACILITY FOR YOUR BUSINESS!  SCHEDULE  FACILITY NEEDS  ASSESMENT TODAY:  web:  email:  phone: 404‐963‐1818  FOCAL TENANT Jimmy Baker Jim Messerly