246 247 AT&T PORTABLES INTUITIVE STEPS IN THE WIRELESS DIRECTION “W e come from a long line of merchants,” explains William Beg, CO-CEO and founding partner of Portables, a family-owned National Autho- rized Retailer of AT&T. “My two brothers and I wanted to open our own business.We had worked in our uncle’s electronics store in high school and decided to go out on our own.” From there,William and his brother John Beg built a business that includes 45 retail locations and provides access to one of the na- tion’s leading wireless network providers. For nearly three decades, the founders of Portables have shown an innate ability to tune into their market, their potential partners, and potential locations. The story of the com- AT A GLANCE AT&T PORTABLES WHAT: AT&T National Authorized Retailer WHERE: Based in Lorton, VA WEBSITE: