Business View Magazine | March 2018

213 and I thought we could do thismore efficiently; we can do this better,”she avers.“It’s completelysurpassed all ideas of what he thought as far as size is concerned, but the basic concept that hewas imagining is precise- lywhat we are,today.And because of the technology andwhat we’vedone as a company,we’re much bigger and better thanwhat he dreamed of.Although the first fewyears were fitful,we have not had ayear inwhich we have gone backwards.We’vegrown between 15 and 30 percent,year over year,ever since 2006.In 2017, we did $37million in business.” Today,CLI has 145 employees and two locations –administrative offices and a call center in Portland, Oregon,and a redundant call center in Phoenix,Ari- zona.The companyhas clients in all 50 states,as well as interpreters across the countrywho service 226 different languages.Sixtypercent of its business is in the healthcare industry–hospitals andmedical clinics -largelydue to the 1990Americans withDisabilities Act,whichmandates that anyentity receiving federal funding of anysort has to supply,among other things, language services to peoplewhose primarylanguage is other than English-which is about 20 percent of the U.S.population. “Outside of that,the verticals include the banking and financial arena,”Quinlan reports.“We do a lot of work in the insurance space; we do quite a bit of work for federal,state,and local governments; we do immi- gration,customs,and borders; we doDepartment of Homeland Security; we do airports;we do everyWal- Mart pharmacy in the nation; we do quite a bit of work in K-12 education.”