March 2017 | Business View Magazine

156 157 The Transportation Association of Canada One of TAC’s flagship documents is the Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads (GDG), the fundamental reference used by roadway designers across the coun- try. First published in 1963 and regularly updated, the Guide has contributed to the consistent and safe de- velopment and expansion of local, regional, provincial, and national roadway and highway systems in Canada. Over the last three years, TAC and its members have invested nearly $1.5 million to prepare a new edition for release in 2017. Practitioners anticipate new content ad- dressing design exceptions, human factors, roadside and roundabout design, as well as refreshed content on stan- dard design practices, will enhance the safety, security, and efficiency with which goods and people can move on Canadian roads. Remarking on the significance of the release of a new GDG, TAC’s Executive Director, Dr. Sarah Wells, observed, “There is so much to be excited about in transportation these days.We are seeing major change – change that will bring challenges requiring commitment and cre- ativity to manage but that also promises opportunities to improve our transportation and mobility with safety, social, environmental, and economic benefits for us all.” Dr.Wells noted that through the Association’s function as a forum, TAC members have identified several issues that will be a focus for their collaborative efforts for some time to come. Some Critical Issues in Transportation Canada’s infrastructure deficit has been widely reported for many years. De- spite recent significant investments by governments and the private sector in roads, bridges, and public transit, need for more persists. Indeed, the 2016 Ca- nadian Infrastructure Report Card suggests that the current rate of investment