BVM August 2015 - page 11

Business View - August 2015 11
Robert Livingston, who represented New York, was
on the Committee of Five that drafted the Declara-
tion of Independence but was recalled by his state
before he could sign it. Livingston County, N.Y., was
home to an estimated 64,586 people as of July 1,
Representing Georgia in 1776 were Button Gwinnett,
Lyman Hall and George Walton. Gwinnett County,
Ga. (877,922), Hall County, Ga. (190,761) and Walton
County, Ga. (87,615) were named for these signers.
Charles Carroll, who represented Maryland, was the
last surviving signer of the Declaration. He died in
1832 at the age of 95.Carroll County, Md., named
for him, had an estimated population of 167,830 as
of July 1, 2014.
Roger Sherman, who worked as a land surveyor
and lawyer, represented Connecticut. In 2013, there
were an estimated 31,315 surveyors, cartographers
and photogrammetrists employed full time, year-
round, and 852,860 lawyers employed full time,
year-round nationwide.
Nelson County, Va. (14,850) and Wythe County, Va.
(29,121) were named for two of the six signers who
represented the state of Virginia — Thomas Nelson
Jr. and George Wythe.
And the Rockets’ Red Glare
$247.1 million-
The value of fireworks imported
from China in 2014, representing the bulk of all U.S.
fireworks imported ($257.8 million). U.S. exports of
fireworks, by comparison, came to just $11.9 million
in 2014, with Israel purchasing more than any other
country ($5.4 million).
$369.4 million-
Fireworks sales by retailers in 2012.
$508.1 million-
Sales of fireworks and firecrackers
by wholesalers in 2012. There were 162 wholesalers
who sold these items in 2012.
You’re a Grand Old Flag
$3.6 million
- In 2014, the dollar value of U.S. imports
of American flags. The vast majority of this amount
($3.5 million) was for U.S. flags made in China.
$1.8 million-
Dollar value of U.S. flags exported in
2014. Turkey was the leading customer, purchasing
$673,000 worth.
This Land Is Your Land
- Fifty-nine counties and
census places contain the word “liberty” in the
name. Pennsylvania, with 11, has more of these
places than any other state. Of the 59 places, four
are counties: Liberty County, Ga. (65,198), Liberty
County, Fla. (8,360), Liberty County, Mont. 2,359)
and Liberty County, Texas (78,117).
Only one census place has “patriot” in its name:
Patriot, Ind., has an estimated population of 205.
The most common patriotic sounding name used
within counties and census places is “union” with
137. Pennsylvania, with 33, has more of these places
than any other state. Other such words most com-
monly used in place names are Washington (127),
Franklin (118) and Lincoln (95).
The British are Coming!
$107.9 billion-
Dollar value of trade in 2014 between
the United States and the United Kingdom, making
the British, our adversary in 1776, our seventh-lead-
ing trading partner today.
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