Business View Magazine | April 2020

107 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE APRIL 2020 in Canada are still open. We’ll evaluate beyond North America as the opportunities come to us.” BVM: How often to do you two float? Janicki: “I try to float once a week. Sometimes, I’ll go deep and do a couple in a row. For me, it’s like peeling the layers of an onion, in a way. The first time I go in, I get rid of about 80 percent of my stress; the second time I go in, it removes everything. So, I tend to go in a couple of times a month, on average.” Rowe: “For me, when my stress level gets up, there’s one easy solution to take it down; or when I’m tired from travelling. I tend to float around those needs.” BVM: Do you think that health insurance will ever pay for REST? Rowe: “Definitely. There is an institute for brain research called the LIBR Float Clinic in TRUE REST FLOAT SPA Oklahoma. Justin Feinstein and a few other researchers there have a lot of studies and white paper reports that have already come out that show that floating is a very good alternative to medication. The effects that it has on reducing your blood pressure, on how it equals the effects of anti-depression and anti-anxiety medication, are proven. But the studies need to be done in larger quantities, so the National Institute for Health (NIH) has given them a grant to continue those studies. Hopefully, in the next few years, insurance will by a viable option for payment. We do accept HSA’s (Health Savings Accounts), already, at the spa.” BVM: What else would you like our readers to know about True REST Float Spa? Rowe: “One of the ways our CEO found out about floating is because the Navy Seals here in Coronado already had float pods that they were using for PTSD, anxiety, and advanced language learning. So, we’d like everyone to understand