The Long-term & Continuing Care Association of Manitoba - page 4

Business View Magazine
• Ageing Secretariat - LTCAM’s services are included
in the Ageing Secretariat Age-Friendly Seniors Guide.
• Annual Provincial Conference and Exhibition - LT-
CAM hosts this conference where more than 500 at-
tendees and industry leaders from across Canada, as
well as neighboring provinces, gather to learn more
about long-term and continuing care. Last May, we
welcomed the Minister of Healthy Living and Seniors
as our host and emcee for the Provincial Awards For
Excellence ceremony.
• Our website is published in English and in French,
and our major new releases and other important cor-
respondence are also sent in both languages. Our
website receives over 15,000 page views, monthly.
Website Links to the LTCAM website are found on many
other organizations’ as well as Government websites.
For example: RHAs, Province of Manitoba Age-Friendly
Website, A & O Support Services for Older Adults.
• Numerous Government departments, organizations,
RHAs and other associations refer the public to our
“Where Do I start” navigation section and/or our toll
free line. The LTCAM website offers a one-of-a-kind,
“Where Do I Start” navigation section that guides one
through the options when a person or a loved one
needs services, assistance, or care. We offer exten-
sive information, education and guidance to the gen-
eral public on a daily basis.
Business View: Talk about the organization’s found-
ing. What were the catalysts to it starting?
Jan Legeros: It began as a group of private citizens
who got together to provide care for seniors in the
early 1950s. At that time, there were no care homes.
These private citizens opened their homes and began
to fill the huge need for care. They developed their own
quality improvement standards and took turns review-
ing each other’s homes, documenting the results for
future improvements. They lobbied government to pro-
LTCAM Provincial Awards For Excellence, Host Bev McConnel Dean
of the Faculty of Nursing University of Manitoba
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