
Loner realized they had a potential tiger by the tail. Having an 800 number like this is a tailor-made mar- keting phenomenon in an industry, especially the in- surance restoration industry, where everyone still does business over the phone.“Of course, that’s when the light bulb went off and we said,‘We might have something here that can help the industry.’That’s when we started looking at 1-800-Packouts as a national franchise group.” Loner explains, “There’s a need for a unified front in the contents industry because when we deal with insurance carri- ers, they prefer segmenting out the main services, now. They love to have a one- stop, singular place to go and to call for that service in that segmented market. With 1-800-Packouts, ad- justers, inside handlers, and agents know what a packout is.When they hear ‘1-800-Packouts’ they know immediately what we do, and what we handle, and we’re instantly branding ourselves. Having been in the indus- try a number of years, we knew that this name and number were special. Then, when we saw AT A GLANCE 1-800-PACKOUTS WHAT: A franchisor in the contents mitigation industry WHERE: Simi Valley, California WEBSITE: www.1800packouts.com each franchise owns. If we need to clean the items, like after a fire when they are covered in soot, our franchises have high- tech ultra-sonic cleaning rooms that are used. After cleaning, the items would go back into long-term storage until the home is ready to be moved back in after all restoration work is completed.We bring all the items back, and we will set them back in place.” Loner comes from a family that has been doing person- al property claims for almost thirty years. His new company, 1-800-Packouts, however, was recently started in 2013, after the fortuitous attainment of the 1-800-Packouts moniker. “We’re blessed to have the 1-800-Packouts name and num- ber.We were initially looking to put it to market for ourselves to go along with the company that we also own that provides ser- vice on the structural restoration side of the insurance restoration field; however,we began to get approached regularly bymany [insurance] carriers in the indus- try that were asking us what we were planning to do with it.” 1-800-PACKOUTS