Certified Languages

“We also enablemanycompanies that are in the lan- guage space,primarilyonsite interpreting and trans- lation,who don’t offer over-the-phone interpreting,” she continues.“There’s a big barrier to entry,typically,in regard to the technologycomponent,sowe provide a white label,or reseller program,inwhichwewill allow these companies to use our operations and interpret- ers to put them in the telephone interpreting business. So,essentially,we are helping our competitors,but the majorityof business that theydo is very regional and with existing relationships with clients that theypro- vide services for in the language space in areas other than on-demand interpreting.So,it’s a pretty significant component of our business.” Quinlan adds that CLI also does somewritten trans- lationworkas a value-added service for some of its cli- ents,but generallydoesn’t offer it as a standalone op- tion.“We aremostly focused onwhat we do reallywell andwhat other companies don’t dowell,”she declares. “There are a lot of companies that dowritten transla- tion and conference interpreting,but there aren’t a lot of companies that do on-demand interpreting.So,we are primarily focused on consistent improvements on what we do in regards to on-demand interpreting.” Another characteristic that differentiates CLI from its competitors,when it’s not actuallyhelping them,is the premium that the companyplaces on the qualityof its interpreters.“We hire onlyexperienced,proven,tested, and credentialed interpreters,”Quinlan asserts.“They have to be native speakers andwe currentlyoperate usingU.S.-based interpreters who are familiar with the environment inwhich they’re interpreting.” Clearly,strict adherence to high professionalism in its ranks is paramount on CLI’s agenda.So is support for the profession of interpreting and access to lan- guage services.“We’re really invested in the industry at largewith a primary focus onmaking sure that the professionalism,and the profession of interpreting, Making Smart Connections How can Magna5 help your business connect ? Contact Shawn Kearney: skearney@magna5global.com www.magna5global.com | @magnafive Leverage strategic communications to better connect with your customers Magna5 is a nationwide provider of cloud-based communications, hybrid network, and IT Services solutions. Serving a diverse customer base of contact centers, applications providers and telecom carriers, as well as a variety of other organizations, large and small. With capabilities to handle the most demanding and intense telecom customers, Magna5 prides itself on offering customer savings when it comes to toll-free services. As business needs expand and industries evolve, Magna5 helps enterprise-level businesses build a unified communications strategy that reduces costs, improves efficiency, keeps up with changing technology and continuously provides innovative solutions. Businesses depend on the cost-effective and next-generation communication solutions Magna5 provides. From UCaaS to telecom and managed services, backup and more, let our team experts help you connect. Stable, dynamic toll-free routing solutions • Hassle-free toll-free provisioning and management Cost-effective, comprehensive, 24/7 responsive service • Dedicated to helping customers connect CERTIFIED LANGUAGES INTERNATIONAL is recognized and continues to be viewed as very important,”Quinlan states.“Andwe put a lot of energy andmoney into that arena-theworld of language access.We support organizations that support the professionalismof language access,which helps us deliver a high qualityproduct and gives us,and our clients,visibility.” Quinlan,herself,sits on the Board of Directors of the Joint National Committee of Languages in Washington,D.C.,an advocacyassociation comprised of over a hundred non-profit organizations that all focus onmaking sure that language access remains viable.“We’re also a big supporter of an organization called InterpretAmerica that talks about furthering the profession of interpreting,and howdowe,as an industry,talkabout what technology is doing to the space.Howis it changing the environment and what we’re doingwith interpreting?We can’t ignore the fact that there’s a lot of mechanics put behind language learning and voice recognition.Are robots going to take over?” And because emerging and future technologies are critical issues for CLI,Quinlan says that the company is always looking to see howit’s going to position it- self to be a part of each and every technical evolution as it occurs.In the long run,though,she believes that as newtechnologies continue to provide broader lan- guage access and visibility,rather than replacing the human element,more of it will actuallybe required.“I do see language access evolving,”she proffers.“I see it changing.I see it broadening.And it’s driving the need for that human component evenmore.More situa- tions are being identified as reallyneeding human interferencewith regards to continuing a conversa-