
(DOT),and the PublicUtilityCommission (PUC). “At the heart of what we do,we are an underground utilityconstruction company,”says Jason Pickett,new- ly-appointed CompanyPresident.“We provide a variety of dryutility services for local distribution companies or natural gas utilities.We install and renewnewand ex- isting plastic and steel pipelines.Our business includes newconstruction activities,installing in Colorado’s growing housing communities shortlyafter the home’s foundations are laid.Our reconstruction services group handles replacement of aging infrastructure and helps tomaintain connections between gasmain and area consumers.” SiteWise began in 1987as KellyCable Corporation, providing cable television-related underground and overhead installation services to the nascent cable televisionmarket in the greater Denver area.By1998, the company included 500 employees at 13 locations in seven states,with services extending to include other cable providers,utilities,and telecommunications companies. Following a buyout andmanagement change,the newcompanyowners transitioned the company to focus on the natural gas industry,concentrating on compliance-relatedwork.This core competencybe- came particularly important after explosions forced the re-examination of the safetyprotocols that needed to be implemented to protect the public fromnatural gas pipeline disasters. “The San Bruno explosion shifted the focus of the industryand its need to exceed compliance standards in terms of safetyof the systems to the end customers SITEWISE, LLC that were being served,”says Jeff Sedillos,Senior Vice Presi- dent.“Our portfolio of services is designed around the compli- ancework,andwe offer more unique services than anyother gas contractor in the nation around the DOT’s federally-man- dated programs.” Today,SiteWise performs work in thewesternUnited States, still predominantly in Colorado.The company’s portfolio of work is derived from long-term,contracted service agree- ments for newconstruction,reconstruction,operations and maintenance services,electricandgasmeter installationand exchanges,andutilitydamagepreventionservices (utilitylocating andhydroexcavation).Thecompanyworkswithhomebuilders, engineeringfirms,general contractors,municipalitiesandtele- communicationscompanies.During installationsofgasandelec- tricservices,that includescommunicationandTVservice laterals, providinganadditional service tohomebuilders,lesseningthe impactof these installationsontheir jobsites.