VMTurbo - page 2

Business View Magazine
Controlling the realm of application performance
The word “turbocharged” refers to an engine that is
souped up and made greater in power by the spin-
ning of a turbine-driven compressor. Perhaps that is
why the founders of VMTurbo - Shmuel Kliger, Yuri
Rabover, Yechiam Yemini, Danilo Florissi, and Shai
Benjamin - named their software company to reflect
the added power of a turbocharged machine. Be-
cause, according to Geeta Sachdev, VMTurbo’s Chief
Marketing Officer, customers who use VMTurbo’s ap-
plication performance control platform for cloud and
virtual environments can see “anywhere from a 30 to
50 percent capital expenditure and 20 percent operat-
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