Pure Romance

party? Did you hear about it on the radio?’ She says, ‘No. I’m from St. Louis.The front page of the St. Louis Dispatch has: “The NewTupperware of the 2000s.” And my husband toldme I should join this.’ “One of the fewpeoplewhowas there,that night, was a private reporter whowrote a front page article for the St.Louis Dispatch.And from that day to the following Friday,we signed up 50 people,andwe took that businessmodel andwe ran it for three years, straight.Wewent fromamillion to four,four to eight, eight to sixteen,sixteen to thirty-two.We spent three years inU-Hauls,onlycoming home for Thanksgiving and Christmas.That’s howit all got started andwe never looked back.We took that samemodel and start- ed to open up cities all around theworld,all around the United States.We invited reporters andmedia people and it just kind of blewup.” Today,Pure Romance has continued in itsmission to educate,entertain,and empower women.“We onlydo parties for women,to stay true to that safe environment wherewomen can askquestions and feel comfortable,”says Cicchinelli.“Wewant tomake surewe keep everybody safe.And we don’t want to sign customers; we want to sign up people who are looking to make $500 to $5,000 in a month. If you’re just a person who is going to want to get your product at a discount,we’re not the company for you.We knowwe’re not for everybody to sell the products–to consume the products, yeah. But when it comes to selling product, you have to make sure you can create great experiences for the people and really love to go out there and do it. I travel 250 days a year, training our consultants on how to own and operate their business. Becoming a Pure Romance consultant can help women take control of their financial future.We provide themwith all of PURE ROMANCE the tools and training to run million dollar organiza- tions.People buypeople; people buy stories.And that’s what our 23,000 people are out there each and every day,doing.” And that’s the story. n Classic Brands www.classic-brands.com For 30 years,Holiday Products has been a distribution leader in the Pleasure Products Industry focused on a “Best of the Best”product selection for brick and mortar Stores, internet retailers, and home party planners. For over 15 years, Classic Erotica has been the leading manufacturer of pheromone-in- fused, sexy body, boudoir, and sensual care for women,men, and couples. n OneTouchPoint www.1touchpoint.com At OneTouchPoint,we make every touch point matter.We’re a single source marketing services and technology driven print provider helping businesses deliver 1:1 communication through print, digital, online and social channels. Utilizing U.Connect, a proprietarymarketing automation and fulfillment tool,OTP delivers solutions that improve operational effi- ciency and help companies save money.With $160 million in revenues and offices in 5 states,we help thousands of clients design and deliver communication across touch points. n Sportsheets International www.sportsheets.com Sportsheets line of fantasy products have spiced up the sex lives of countless men,women and couples around the world. Known for quality, creativity and competitive pricing, Sport- sheets has become a trusted friend and confidant to a growing community of sexually curious adults from every walk of life. PREFERRED VENDORS