
People are spending their vacations in the desert; they’re taking three-wheelers,four-wheelers,motor- cycles,bicycles,and theywant to be comfortable like at home,but stepoutsideandhave thisbigchange in scenery.” Nodoubt thatDometic,theglobal companythat hasbeendeeplyinvested inthe recreationalvehicle industryformanyyears,will continue toprovide those solutions that satisfypeople’sessential needswhen livingmobile.“That’s reallyour line,”saysSchutz.“It’s mobile livingmadeeasy.” Andregardingthose truckdrivers: today,theydon’t evenhave togetup if theywant acoldbeverage.“We evenmake refrigerators that are likeadrawer that fit under the seat or next to the seat,says Schutz.“So theydon’t even have to get in the back if theywant a Coke or a coldwater.” THE DOMETIC CORPORATION do it veryexpeditiously.For example,we produce over 750 refrigerators a day in Elkhart,andwe can make changes in theway the product looks,as far as the color of the trim,the color of the inserts, thingsof thatnature,inamatterofweeks.So,wevery muchtryto followthe industryand itsdemands.” Dometicwasacquiredbytheprivateequityfirm,EQT, in2011,whichtookthecompanypublicin2015,listingit ontheSwedishNASDAQ.“We’republiclytradednow,so ourresourcesaregoingbackintoinnovationandproduct developmentinalmosteveryarea,”saysSchutz.Some of thecompany’s initiatives involvemakingRVsmore technologicallyadvanced,especiallyfor theyounger generationofRVerswhoareaccustomedtousinga plethoraof electronicgadgets intheirdailylives. “When theMillennials buy something,they expect it towork,”Schutzavers.“Sowe’re looking fornewer,more trouble-safe technologies thathave diagnosticsonboardthatwillmaybe,insomecases, fiveyears fromnow,talktoyouandtellyoutopush threebuttons.Togoout andturnawrench isgoing tobe foreigntothemillennial group,but if it’s inside andsomethingtodowithascreen,they’reall over it. And it’sgoingtoraise thebaronquality,becausewe’re buildingtoadifferent customerwithdifferent expec- tations.” Dometicisalso investigatingboth longer lasting, as well as alternative,power technologies.“How dowedevelopproducts thatworkwith lesspower consumed,”Schutzasks.“Andhowdowedevelop power-producingproducts fromthesun,thewind, fromlithiumbatteries,sothat consumerswhouse our products can go longer without having to charge? PREFERRED VENDORS n Etratech Inc. Based in Burlington, Ontario Canada, Etratech is a privately held corporation specializing in the design, devel- opment, and manufacture of advanced electronic controls and control systems for major multinational companies. Its advanced electronic controls provide the “brains” for many of today’s leading “smart” products. n Sunway Products Limited Established in 2001, Sunway Products is a manufacturer that provides a wide range of products and services, includ- ing: LED Lighting, Caravan Accessories, and Plastic injection tooling and molding.