Max Muscle Sports Nutrition - page 9

Business View Magazine
is Max Muscle’s customized meal planning program
that integrates its brand of products into a customer’s
overall dietary regimen. “And then we also have a
unique body composition analysis tool that our coach-
es can use to measure the consumer and come up
with a plan in terms of what their goals are and how
we’re going to help them achieve those goals,” Greene
adds. “So these are all very unique differentiators that
are in the store, that you can’t get anywhere else that
give the consumer the motivation and reason to come
in and to continue to come back to get measured, to
review their meal plan, and make sure that they’re all
on point with their supplements.”
Today, all Max Muscle stores are franchised. “At one
time, when I first started out,” says Wells, “we had ten
corporate stores and we decided to move in the direc-
tion of franchising. It’s an easier fit for small retail to
be a franchise, in my opinion, based on the fact that
when you’re dealing with ten stores that have three
and four employees in each store, and when one per-
son is sick, it’s kind of a big deal. It’s hard to get some-
body in those stores. As a franchisor, we found that
you don’t have absentee owners. Owners make sure
their stores open, even when they’re sick or for what-
ever reason. The model worked better for us. And at
this point, we’re 100 percent franchise. We’re looking
at possibly opening a corporate store that would be a
showcase store. We think it’s a good idea to help us
understand the customer and the market.”
Greene elaborates: “It’s important to understand that
when we had the ten corporate stores, we were much
smaller on the franchising side. When we made a de-
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