Hy-Brid Lifts - page 6

Business View Magazine
Richfield, Wisconsin, northwest of Milwaukee. The
company has 120 dealers in the United States, some
of which have hundreds of stores, and many interna-
tional distributors of its products.
Jeffrey Valind is Vice President of Manufacturing and
Operations. He says that the company reaches out
to prospective dealers via trade shows, email blasts,
trade magazines, and social media. There are also
many feet on the street. “One of the biggest ways to
get our name out there is demonstrations done by our
salesmen,” he says. “We’ll do the research, find the
dealers, contact them, and give them a demo of our
product. Seeing the product is where they get a feel for
the features.” He adds that the company’s immediate
goals are to have a larger share of the light weight, low-
level access market and a wider product line within
the 19-foot, and below, range.
Over its first decade in the construction industry, Hy-
Brid Lifts by Custom Equipment, Inc. has certainly
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